Summary: | This dataset is the first in a series of several data collection efforts aimed at learning more about the lives of adults who live in Texas. Data collected in 2004 contains information on seven major aspects of Texas life: (1) A series of questions on civic engagement and attitudes, such as voting behavior, jury service, and attitudes towards the institution of the jury. (2) A large module of questions related to volunteering. Inquiry was made on how and how much respondents volunteer, their reasons for volunteering, and the ways they go about finding opportunities to do so. This module also asks about organizational memberships and giving behaviors. (3) Personality dispositions and attitudes related to violence and other issues. (4) Physical and mental health status. (5) Information regarding health behaviors, such as diet and exercise, and the frequency in which respondents regularly engage in various activities. (6) Questions related to religious activities and beliefs held by respondents. (7) General demographic information, including age, sex, race, type of Hispanic descent, education, employment and citizenship.