Fantasy Crime: The Role of Criminal Law in Virtual Worlds
This Article analyzes activity in virtual worlds that would constitute crime if they were committed in the real world. It reviews the evolution of virtual worlds like Second Life and notes research which indicates that more and more of our lives will move into this realm. The Article then analyzes t...
Main Author: | |
Format: | Electronic Book |
Language: | English |
Published: |
In: | Year: 2008 |
Online Access: |
Volltext (kostenfrei) |
Check availability: | HBZ Gateway |
Summary: | This Article analyzes activity in virtual worlds that would constitute crime if they were committed in the real world. It reviews the evolution of virtual worlds like Second Life and notes research which indicates that more and more of our lives will move into this realm. The Article then analyzes the criminalization of virtual conduct that inflicts harm in the real world and virtual conduct that only inflicts harm in the virtual world. It explains that the first category qualifies as cybercrime and can be prosecuted under existing law. Finally, it analyzes the necessity and propriety of criminalizing the second category of conduct, both now and in the future |