Summary: | Each day in our schools, leaders are faced with a myriad of challenges, including challenges associated with legal issues and disputes. Continuous litigation will surface when students and parents believe that their constitutional rights have been violated. Courts will look at previous Supreme Court decisions to help guide them in determining their ruling. In the history of litigation impacting education, four areas have had a profound outcome on guiding school districts in developing policies backed by Supreme Court rulings. These four areas are: free speech, random drug testing, search and seizure, and prayer. Specific Supreme Court cases in each category will be discussed in order to help clarify and understand the path school districts must follow to avoid costly lawsuits and unnecessary legal disputes. Each case will review education law literature while explaining Supreme Court rulings backed by the U.S. Constitution. The practical implication of this professional paper is to assist education stakeholder groups, including school administrators, school board members, policy committees, teachers, parents, students, and community members, in gaining awareness of how schools operate under the confines of school law through knowledge and understanding of student rights on school property under the U.S. Constitution. The theme that will continually arise and be decided at the Supreme Court, is that students do not shed their constitutional rights at the schoolhouse door