RT Book T1 Grassroots activism and the evolution of transitional justice: the families of the disappeared A1 Kovras, Iosif 1983- LA English PP Cambridge New York, NY Port Melbourne, VIC Delhi Singapore PB Cambridge University Press YR 2017 UL https://krimdok.uni-tuebingen.de/Record/882084844 AB Introduction -- Methodological and theoretical innovations in the use of databases in transitional justice -- The daughters of Antigone in Latin America: Argentinian mothers -- 'Forensic cascade': the technologies and institutions of truth -- The 'missing' tale of human rights -- Institutionalized silences for the missing in Lebanon -- Cyprus: the bright side of a frozen conflict -- Truth commissions and the missing: TRC's 'unfinished business' -- Poetic justice: the Chilean desaparecidos -- Conclusions: five lessons for transitional justice NO Literaturverzeichnis: Seite 251-277 CN HV6322 SN 9781316617700 SN 9781107166653 K1 Disappeared persons : Case studies K1 Disappeared persons' families : Political activity : Case studies K1 Transitional Justice : Case studies K1 Disappeared persons' families : Case studies : Political activity K1 Libanon : Zypern : Südafrika : Chile : Transitional Justice : Politischer Wandel