RT Book T1 Rebel power: why national movements compete, fight, and win T2 Cornell studies in security affairs A1 Krause, Peter 1979- LA English PP Ithaca London PB Cornell University Press YR 2017 ED First published UL https://krimdok.uni-tuebingen.de/Record/871570351 AB Power, violence, and victory -- Why national movements compete, fight, and win -- The Palestinian national movement : the Sisyphean tragedy of fragmentation -- The Zionist movement : victory hanging in the balance -- The Algerian national movement : the long, bloody march to hegemony -- The Irish national movement : where you stand depends on where you sit -- The politics of national movements and the future of rebel power NO Includes bibliographical references and index NO Hier auch später erschienene, unveränderte Nachdrucke CN JC311 SN 9781501708565 SN 9781501708558 K1 Autonomy and independence movements : History : 20th century : Case studies K1 Self-determination, National : History : 20th century : Case studies K1 Political Violence : History : 20th century : Case studies K1 Organizational Behavior : History : 20th century : Case studies K1 Autonomy and independence movements : Case studies : History : 20th century K1 Self-determination, National : Case studies : History : 20th century K1 Political Violence : Case studies : History : 20th century K1 Organizational Behavior : Case studies : History : 20th century K1 Autonomy and independence movements K1 Organizational Behavior K1 Political Violence K1 Self-determination, National K1 Case Studies K1 History K1 1900-1999 K1 Irland : Algerien : Unabhängigkeitsbewegung : Zionismus : Geschichte : Fallstudie K1 Irland : Algerien : Unabhängigkeitsbewegung : Zionismus : Palästinenser