RT Book T1 News framing of school shootings: journalism and American social problems A1 McCluskey, Michael LA English PP Lanham Boulder New York London PB Lexington Books YR 2017 UL https://krimdok.uni-tuebingen.de/Record/871095386 AB News, society and violence -- News framing, frame building and problem definitions -- Influences on school shooting news frames -- Guns and value framing -- Popular media, moral panics and culture wars -- Religion, coping and blaming -- Other individual-level problem definitions -- Other societal-level problem definitions -- Heroism and journalism -- Evaluation of news discourse, effects and lessons -- References NO Includes bibliographical references and index CN LB3013.32 SN 9781498532969 SN 9781498532983 K1 School Shootings : Press coverage : United States K1 Violence in mass media : United States K1 Schule : Jugendlicher Täter : Amok : Massenmedien : Medienkultur K1 USA : Schule : Amok : Massenmedien : Medienkultur