RT Book T1 Trafficking of women and children: article 7 of the Rome Statute A1 Aston, Joshua N. 1980- LA English PP New Delhi PB Oxford University Press YR 2016 ED First edition UL https://krimdok.uni-tuebingen.de/Record/869789333 AB Joshua Nathan Aston studies the severity of human trafficking, its transnational networks, and the impact of international criminal and humanitarian laws in dealing with the crime. Analysing global statistics in detail, he provides a perspective on the effectiveness of the UN protocols and examines the role of the International Criminal Court, with a focus on Article 7 of the Rome Statute AB Introduction : Trafficking and the Rome Statute -- Trafficking of women and children : basic concepts -- The legal prohibition -- Establishing an effective legal response -- International institutions vis-à-vis crimes against humanity -- The feasibility of prosecution of crimes against humanity by the International Criminal Court -- Enforcement mechanism of the International Criminal Court CN K5297 SN 0199468176 SN 9780199468171 K1 Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court : (1998 July 17) K1 Human Trafficking : Law and legislation K1 Women : Crimes against K1 Children : Crimes against K1 Human trafficking (International law) K1 Human Trafficking K1 Kinderhandel : Frauenhandel : Bekämpfung : Internationale Kooperation