RT Book T1 Carceral fantasies: cinema and prison in early twentieth-century America T2 Film and culture A1 Griffiths, Alison 1963- LA English PP New York PB Columbia University Press YR 2016 UL https://krimdok.uni-tuebingen.de/Record/845322915 AB Introduction -- The carceral imaginary -- Tableaux mort: execution, cinema, and carceral fantasies -- Prison on screen: the carceral aesthetic -- The carceral spectator -- Screens and the senses in prison -- The great unseen audience: Sing Sing Prison and motion pictures -- The carceral reformer -- A different story: recreation and cinema in women's prisons and reformatories -- Cinema and prison reform -- Conclusion: the prison museum and media use in the contemporary prison NO Includes bibliographical references and index -- Includes filmography NO Hier auch später erschienene, unveränderte Nachdrucke CN HV8860 SN 9780231161060 SN 9780231161077 K1 Prisoners : Recreation : United States K1 Prisoners : United States : Social conditions K1 Motion picture audiences : United States K1 Prison films : History and criticism K1 Imprisonment in motion pictures K1 Prisoners : Social conditions : United States K1 USA : Gefängnis : Leopoldov : Filmvorführung : Film : Gefängnis : Motiv : Geschichte 1900-1940