RT Book T1 Sentencing Guidelines: Exploring the English Model A1 Ashworth, Andrew 1947- A2 Roberts, Julian V. LA English PP Oxford PB OUP Oxford YR 2013 UL https://krimdok.uni-tuebingen.de/Record/772821186 AB The politics of criminal sentencing has recently crystallised around the issue of whether and how a system of structured sentencing should inform judicial approaches to punishing criminals. Increasingly, structured sentencing guidelines are being introduce to frame judicial discretion. This volume is the first to examine the experience in England and Wales in the light of international developments.This collection of essays begins with a clear and concise history of the guidelines as well as a description of how they function. Topics addressed include the effect of guidelines on judicial pract OP 699 NO Description based upon print version of record CN KD8406 .A384 2013 SN 9780199684571 K1 Electronic books