RT Book T1 Corruption, anti-corruption and governance T2 Political corruption and governance series A1 Hough, Dan LA English PP Basingstoke u.a. PB Palgrave Macmillan YR 2013 UL https://krimdok.uni-tuebingen.de/Record/744100054 AB "Corruption and anti-corruption are now mainstream public policy challenges. Politicians and the public alike now discuss corruption with the type of rhetoric that they never did before. Perhaps surprisingly, however there remains little detailed, cross-national analysis of which anti-corruption strategies work and which don't. This book aims to make a contribution towards redressing this imbalance. Through case studies in six countries (Bangladesh, Kenya, Germany, Poland, South Korea and the UK) this book illustrates that those looking to fight corruption must understand that quality of governance and successful anti-corruption strategies are indelibly linked. Only when this relationship is understood, will progress in tackling corruption be made. The book is empirically rich and theoretically driven, and should be core reading for anyone interested in understanding why corruption flourishes and what works in trying to fight it."--Publisher's website NO Erscheinungsjahr in Vorlageform:2013 CN JF1081 SN 1137268700 SN 9781137268709 K1 Political corruption K1 Political corruption : Prevention K1 Korruption K1 Kriminalität K1 Bekämpfung K1 Politische Bewegung K1 Soziale Bewegung K1 Qualitativ vergleichende Analyse K1 Erde K1 Korruption : Bekämpfung : Governance