RT Book T1 Drugs and drug policy: the control of consciousness alteration A1 Mosher, Clayton James A1 Akins, Scott A2 Akins, Scott M. LA English PP Los Angeles u.a. PB SAGE YR 2014 ED 2. ed. UL https://krimdok.uni-tuebingen.de/Record/736060626 AB Drug controversies and demonization -- Theories of drug use -- The effects of drugs. Part I -- The effects of drugs. Part II -- Patterns of illegal drug use -- Patterns of legal drug use -- Policies regulating illegal drugs -- Drug prevention programs -- Drug treatment -- Policies regulating legal drugs. Part I, Alcohol and tobacco -- Policies regulating legal drugs. Part II, Prescription and performance enhancing drugs and herbal supplements -- Drug policies in other countries and United States influence NO Includes bibliographical references and index CN HV5825 SN 9781452242392 K1 Drug Abuse : United States K1 Drug control : United States K1 Substance Abuse : United States K1 USA : Drogenpolitik : Drogenmissbrauch : Betäubungsmittelrecht