RT Book T1 Mohajir militancy in Pakistan: violence and transformation in the Karachi Conflict T2 Routledge contemporary South Asia series JF Routledge contemporary South Asia series A1 Khan, Nichola LA English PP London u.a. PB Routledge YR 2012 ED 1. issued in paperback UL https://krimdok.uni-tuebingen.de/Record/715204947 NO Originally published: 2010 CN 954.91053 SN 0415626676 SN 9780415626675 K1 Muhajir (Pakistan people) : History K1 Urban violence : Pakistan K1 Pakistan : Politics and government : 1988- K1 Karatschi : Muttahida Qaumi Mahaz : Muhāǧirūn : Gewalttätigkeit : Geschichte