RT Book T1 The challenge of violent drug-trafficking organizations: an assessment of Mexican security based on existing RAND research on urban unrest, insurgency, and defense-sector reform T2 RAND Corporation monograph series A1 Paul, Christopher 1971- A2 Schaefer, Agnes Gereben A2 Clarke, Colin P. LA English PP Santa Monica, Calif. u.a. PB RAND National Defense Research Institue YR 2011 UL https://krimdok.uni-tuebingen.de/Record/669663700 NO Includes bibliographical references and index CN HV5840.M4 SN 9780833058270 K1 Drug traffic : Mexico K1 Drug traffic : Mexico : Prevention K1 Drug control : Mexico K1 Violence : Mexico K1 Violent crimes : Mexico : Prevention K1 Internal Security : Mexico K1 Mexiko : Drogenkriminalität : Rauschgifthandel : Innere Sicherheit