RT Book T1 Innocent bystanders: developing countries and the war on drugs A2 Keefer, Philip A2 Loayza, Norman 1964- LA English PP Washington, DC PB World Bank PP Basingstoke New York PB Palgrave Macmillan UL https://krimdok.uni-tuebingen.de/Record/607566094 AB Drug prohibition and developing countries : uncertain benefits, certain costs / Philip Keefer, Norman Loayza, and Rodrigo R. Soares -- The historical foundations of the narcotic drug control regime / Julia Buxton -- Can production and trafficking of illicit drugs be reduced or only shifted? / Peter Reuter -- Evaluating Plan Colombia / Daniel Mejía -- Evo, Pablo, Tony, Diego, and Sonny : general equilibrium analysis of the market for illegal drugs / Rómulo A. Chumacero -- Competitive advantages in the production and trafficking of coca-cocaine and opium-heroin in Afghanistan and the Andean countries / Francisco E. Thoumi -- Cocaine production and trafficking : what do we know? / Daniel Mejía and Carlos Esteban Posada -- Responding to the challenge of Afghanistan's opium economy : development lessons and policy implications / William A. Byrd NO Includes bibliographical references and index CN HV5840.D44 SN 0821380346 SN 0821380362 SN 9780821380345 SN 9780821380369 K1 Vereinte Nationen K1 Drug control : Developing countries K1 Drug traffic : Developing countries K1 Schmuggel K1 Außenhandel K1 Rauschgift K1 Produktion K1 Drogenabhängigkeit K1 Drogenkonsum K1 Drogenpolitik K1 Kriminalität K1 Bekämpfung K1 Strafverfolgung K1 Internationale Kooperation K1 Einflussgröße K1 Interesse K1 Politik K1 Herrschaftssystem K1 Internationales politisches System K1 Entwicklung K1 Tendenz K1 Aufsatzsammlung K1 Entwicklungsländer : Drogenhandel : Bekämpfung DO 10.1596/978-0-8213-8034-5