RT Book T1 Schools under surveillance: cultures of control in public education T2 Critical issues in crime and society A2 Monahan, Torin A2 Torres, Rodolfo D. 1949- LA English PP New Brunswick, NJ u.a. PB Rutgers University Press UL https://krimdok.uni-tuebingen.de/Record/592467759 AB To protect, serve, and mentor? Police officers in public schools / Aaron Kupchik, Nicole L. Bracy -- School surveillance in America: disparate and unequal / Paul Hirschfield -- The docile body in school space / Lizbet Simmons -- Safety or social control? The security fortification of schools in a capitalist society / Ronnie Casella -- Online surveillance in Canadian schools / Valerie Steeves -- "School ownership Is the goal": military recruiting, public schools, and fronts of war / Tyler Wall -- Reading, writing, and readiness / Richard A. Matthew -- Risky youth and the psychology of surveillance: the crisis of the school shooter / Tyson Lewis -- "Politics by other means": education accountability and the surveillance state / Pauline Lipman -- The measure of success: education, markets, and an audit culture / Michael W. Apple -- Lying, cheating, and teaching to the test: the politics of surveillance under No Child Left Behind / John Gilliom -- Scan this: examining student resistance to school surveillance / Jen Weiss -- Seductions of risk, social control, and resistance to school surveillance / Andrew Hope NO Includes bibliographical references and index CN LB3013.3 SN 081354680X SN 0813546796 SN 9780813546803 SN 9780813546797 K1 School Violence : United States : Prevention K1 Public Schools : Security measures : United States K1 Electronic Surveillance : United States K1 School Violence : Prevention : United States K1 Aufsatzsammlung K1 USA : Public School : Gewalt : Prävention : Aufsatzsammlung