RT Book T1 Terrorism, economic development, and political openness A2 Keefer, Philip A2 Loayza, Norman 1964- LA English PP Cambridge u.a. PB Cambridge University Press YR 2008 ED 1. publ. UL https://krimdok.uni-tuebingen.de/Record/563077069 AB Economic consequences of terrorism in developed and developing countries : an overview / Walter Enders and Todd Sandler -- The costs of responding to the terrorist threat : the U.S. case / Gregory F. Treverton ... [et al.] -- From (no) butter to guns? understanding the economic role in transnational terrorism / S. Brock Blomberg and Gregory D. Hess -- The lexus and the olive branch : globalization, democratization, and terrorism / S. Brock Blomberg and Gregory D. Hess -- Kto kogo? : a cross-country study of the origins and targets of terrorism / Alan B. Krueger and David D. Laitin -- Terrorism and civil war / Nicholas Sambanis -- The political, economic, and organizational sources of terrorism / David D. Laitin and Jacob Shapiro -- Economics and terrorism : what we know, what we should know, and the data we need / Fernanda Llusa and Jos Tavares NO Enth. 8 Beitr NO Includes bibliographical references and index CN HV6431 SN 0521887585 SN 9780521887588 K1 1968-2004 K1 Terrorismus K1 Rechtsordnung K1 Sezession K1 Öffentliche Sicherheit K1 Kosten K1 Wirtschaftslage K1 Entwicklung K1 Welt K1 Terrorism : Political aspects K1 Terrorism K1 Terrorism : Economic aspects K1 Wirtschaftliche Situation K1 Politische Situation K1 Global : Terrorismus : Terrorismusbekämpfung : Folgekosten : Gesellschaftliche Kosten : Terroristen/Terrorgruppe : Motivation : Ursache : Pluralistische Gesellschaft : Gute Regierungsführung : Armut : Wirtschaftliche Entwicklung K1 Aufsatzsammlung K1 Terrorismus : Wirtschaftsentwicklung : Politik