RT Book T1 Race, class, and the death penalty: capital punishment in American history A1 Allen, Howard W. 1931- A2 Clubb, Jerome M. 1928-2021 A2 Lacey, Vincent A. LA English PP Albany, NY PB State University of New York Press YR 2008 UL https://krimdok.uni-tuebingen.de/Record/540007188 AB The death penalty in national perspective -- The colonial and revolutionary era -- The early republic, 1786-1865 -- The south and the border, 1866-1945 -- The northeast, 1866-1945 -- The western regions, 1836-1945 -- Social perspectives -- The death penalty after 1945 -- The death penalty in American history NO Includes bibliographical references (p. 205-227) and index CN HV8699.U5 SN 0791474372 SN 9780791474372 K1 Capital Punishment : United States : History K1 Discrimination in capital punishment : United States : History K1 Discrimination in criminal justice administration : United States : History K1 USA : Todesstrafe : Geschichte