RT Book T1 Public executions: the death penalty and the media T2 Crime, media, and popular culture A1 Kudlac, Christopher A2 Kudlac, Christopher S. LA English PP Westport, Conn. u.a. PB Praeger YR 2007 ED 1. publ. UL https://krimdok.uni-tuebingen.de/Record/527815497 AB Introduction -- Capital punishment, the media, and changing sensibilities -- A short history of the death penalty -- Serial killers, 1977-1994 -- Protest cases, 1994-2002 -- Federal death penalty and terrorism -- A focus on the system : moratorium, DNA cases, and the Supreme Court -- Conclusion NO Includes bibliographical references and index CN HV8699.U5 SN 0275993078 SN 9780275993078 K1 Capital Punishment : United States K1 Capital Punishment : United States : Public opinion K1 Executions and executioners : Press coverage : United States K1 Death Row inmates : Press coverage : United States K1 Mass media and public opinion : United States K1 Capital Punishment : Public opinion : United States K1 USA : Todesstrafe : Massenmedien : Berichterstattung : Öffentliche Meinung