RT Book T1 The Barbaric punishment: abolishing the death penalty T2 The Raoul Wallenberg Institute human rights library JF The Raoul Wallenberg Institute human rights library A1 Franck, Hans Göran A2 Nyman, Klas A2 Schabas, William 1950- A2 Franck, Hans Göran LA Undetermined PP The Hague u.a. PB Nijhoff YR 2003 ED Rev. ed. UL https://krimdok.uni-tuebingen.de/Record/370077237 NO Includes index CN HV8694 SN 904112151X SN 9041121528 K1 Capital Punishment : Moral and ethical aspects K1 Capital Punishment : History K1 Todesstrafe : Abschaffung K1 Todesstrafe : Abschaffung : Vergleichende Rechtsgeschichte : Menschenrecht : Normative Ethik K1 Europäische Menschenrechtskonvention : 1950 November 4 : Todesstrafe : Abschaffung