RT Article T1 Kommunitaristischer Liberalismus: Der Text basiert auf einer Vorlesung, die am 12.4.1994 am Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars, Washington, D. C., gehalten wurde JF Der Staat VO 34 IS 4 SP 487 OP 502 A1 Selznick, Philip LA German YR 1995 UL https://krimdok.uni-tuebingen.de/Record/362857784 AB This essay offers a fresh perspective on the "communitarian-liberal" debate. Instead of attacking purported premises of liberalism, such as "atomism", Selznick calls for a union of communitarian and liberal perspectives. The article examines three basic liberal ideals: equality, liberty, rationality. These are warmly embraced, but they are also criticized as having been corrupted by overly abstract, absolutist, uncontextual modes of thought. These criticisms are communitarian because they give great weight to the social frameworks within which all ideals find their limits as well as their opportunities. In addition, the article expresses communitarian resistance to liberal doctrines that dilute the idea of a "common good", and that treat democracy as mainly a device for managing diversity. On the contrary, it is argued, we need a robust conception of the general welfare; and democracy should be understood as a way of bringing people together to solve common problems, not as mainly a way of keeping them from one another's throats. (Der Staat / FUB) K1 Politische Philosophie K1 Soziologie K1 Kommunitarismus K1 Liberalismus K1 Gesellschaft K1 Wert K1 Grundwerte K1 Politische Philosophie : Gesellschaftstheorie : Kommunitarismus : Liberalismus : Gesellschaft : Soziale Werte : Politische Grundwerte K1 Soziale Gerechtigkeit K1 Liberalism K1 communitarism K1 basic values K1 Social Justice