RT Book T1 Crime prevention and community safety: new directions A2 Hughes, Gordon 1952- A2 McLaughlin, Eugene 1959- A2 Muncie, John LA English PP London u.a. PB SAGE Publ. [u.a.] YR 2002 UL https://krimdok.uni-tuebingen.de/Record/334208769 AB Machine generated contents note: Part I Conceptual issues -- Crime prevention in Britain, 1975-2010: breaking out, breaking in and breaking down -- Nick Tiley -- The road taken: evaluation, replication and crime reduction -- Tim Hope -- Gendering crime prevention: exploring the tensions between policy and process -- Sandra Walklate -- The crisis of the social and the political materialization of community safety -- Eugene McLaughlin --Part II Policies, practices and politics in the contemporary United Kingdom -- Community safety and policing: some implications of the Crime and Disorder Act 1998 -- Tim Newburn -- Crime and Disorder Reduction Partnerships: the future of community safety? -- Gordon Hughes -- A new deal for youth? Early intervention and correctionalism -- John Muncie -- From voluntary to statutory status: reflecting on the experience of three partnerships established under the Crime and Disorder Act 1998 -- Coretta Phillips -- Conflict, crime control and the 're-'construction of state-community relations in Northern Ireland -- Kieran McEvoy, Brian Gormally and Harry Mika --Part III Comparative trends and futures -- The growth of crime prevention in France as contrasted with the English experience: some thoughts on the politics of insecurity -- Adam Crawford -- The managerialization of crime prevention and community safety: the New Zealand experience -- Trevor Bradley and Reece Waiters -- Towards a replacement discourse on community safety: lessons from the Netherlands -- Rene an Swaaningen -- Drugs, risks and freedoms: illicit drug 'use' and 'misuse' under neo-liberal governance -- Pat O'Malley -- Boundary harms: from community protection to a politics of value: the case of the Jewish eruv -- Davina Cooper -- Teetering on the edge: the futures of crime control and community safety -- Gordon Hughes, Eugene McLaughlin -- and John Muncie NO Published in association with the Open University. - Includes bibliographical references and index CN HV7431 SN 0761974083 SN 0761974091 K1 Crime Prevention : Great Britain K1 community policing : Great Britain K1 Criminology : Great Britain K1 Großbritannien : Stadtplanung : Kriminalität K1 Kriminalprävention K1 Sicherheit K1 Sicherheitspolitik K1 Gemeinde K1 Kriminalitätskontrolle K1 Globalisierung K1 Kriminalitätsbekämpfung K1 Wirksamkeit