RT Book T1 The making of a policeman: a social history of a labour force metropolitan London, 1829-1914 A1 Shpayer-Makov, Haia LA English PP Aldershot u.a. PB Ashgate YR 2002 UL https://krimdok.uni-tuebingen.de/Record/329004557 AB Machine generated contents note: Introduction 1 -- Part One: Creating a Portrait of a Policeman 23 -- 1 Personal Motives and Formal Selection Criteria 25 -- 2 Informal Selection Preferences and the Response of Labour: Augmenting the Portrait 43 -- 3 Job Stability vs. Mobility: Rounding Out the Portrait 77 --Part Two: Control and Accommodation 95 -- 4 Socialization, Bureaucracy and Everyday Life in the Force 97 -- 5 The Paternalist Contract: Labour-Management Reciprocity 153 -- 6 Patterns of Promotion 189 -- 7 Recreation and Control 215 -- 8 Conflict and Negotiation: Industrial Relations Without Unionization 245 NO Includes bibliography: p. 267-284 and index CN HV8196.L6 SN 0754603377 K1 Great Britain : Metropolitan Police Service : History K1 Police : England : London : History K1 London : Polizeibeamter : Berufssituation : Geschichte 1829-1914