RT Book T1 Living without law: an ethnography of Quaker decision-making, dispute avoidance, and dispute resolution T2 Socio-legal studies series A1 Bradney, Anthony A2 Cownie, Fiona LA English PP Aldershot u.a. PB Ashgate Publ. YR 2000 UL https://krimdok.uni-tuebingen.de/Record/318151839 NO Socio-legal series NO Includes bibliographical references and index CN BX7748.D43 SN 1855215551 K1 Decision Making : Religious aspects : Society of Friends K1 Conflict Management : Religious aspects : Society of Friends K1 Society of Friends : Government K1 Dispute resolution (Law) K1 Society of Friends : Konfliktregelung K1 Konfliktvermeidung