RT Book T1 Big money crime: fraud and politics in the savings and loan crisis A1 Calavita, Kitty 1944- A2 Pontell, Henry N. 1950- A2 Tillman, Robert H. 1951- LA English PP Berkeley, Calif. u.a. PB University of California Press YR 1997 UL https://krimdok.uni-tuebingen.de/Record/280161239 NO Includes bibliographical references (p. 229-249) and index CN HG2151.C35 1998 SN 0520208560 K1 Savings and Loan Bailout, 1989- K1 Savings and loan associations : Corrupt practices : United States K1 Commercial crimes : United States K1 Savings and Loan Bailout, 1989-1995 K1 USA : Bankenkrise : Wirtschaftskriminalität : Geschichte 1980-1988