RT Book T1 Mediating and negotiating marital conflicts A1 Ellis, Desmond A2 Stuckless, Noreen LA English PP Thousand Oaks, Calif. u.a. PB Sage Publ. YR 1996 UL https://krimdok.uni-tuebingen.de/Record/279545037 AB Definition of concepts -- Theory. Theory of lawyer negotiations. Mediation -- Choice of mediation or the adversarial process -- Marital violence. Family violence approach. Compatibility with mediation -- Spousal violence : post-separation -- Power imbalances -- Issues and outcome -- Process, outcomes and satisfaction -- Compliance -- Economic consequences -- Effects on children NO Bibliography: p. 141-151. - Teilw. auch unter d. Titel: Separation, violence towards women and other outcomes zitiert CN HQ814 SN 0761905022 SN 0761905030 K1 Divorce mediation K1 Negotiation K1 Marital Conflict K1 Ehekonflikt : Mediation K1 USA : Ehekonflikt : Mediation