RT Book T1 Relationships within families: mutual influences T2 Oxford science publications A2 Hinde, Robert A. 1923- LA English PP Oxford PB Clarendon Press YR 1988 UL https://krimdok.uni-tuebingen.de/Record/274828650 NO Contributions to a conference sponsored by St. John's College, Cambridge, held at its School of Pythagoras in January 1987 CN HQ755.85 SN 0198521707 SN 0198521839 K1 Parent and child : Congresses K1 Families : Psychological aspects : Congresses K1 Child Development : Congresses K1 Intergenerational Relations : Congresses K1 Family : Psychological aspects : Congresses K1 Families. Interpersonal relationships K1 Family K1 Interpersonal Relations K1 Eltern : Kind K1 Familienstruktur K1 Ehe K1 Generation K1 Familiensoziologie K1 Konferenzschrift : 1987 : Cambridge K1 Aufsatzsammlung K1 Interaktion : Familie K1 Eltern : Kind K1 Psychologie K1 Familienbeziehung