RT Book T1 Pathways to manhood: young Black males struggle for identity A1 Billson, Janet Mancini A2 Majors, Richard LA English PP New Brunswick, NJ u.a. PB Transaction Publishers YR 1996 ED Expanded 2nd ed. UL https://krimdok.uni-tuebingen.de/Record/194720314 NO Expanded ed. of: Strategic styles. 1980 - Includes bibliographical references and index CN F74.R9 SN 1560008717 K1 Afro-American young men : Massachusetts : Boston : Social conditions : Case studies K1 Afro-American young men : Social conditions : Case studies K1 Roxbury (Boston, Mass.) : Social conditions K1 Boston (Mass.) : Social conditions : Case studies K1 African American young men : Massachusetts : Boston : Social conditions K1 Boston (Mass.) : Social conditions K1 African American young men : Social conditions K1 Adjustment (Psychology) in adolescence : Massachusetts : Boston K1 USA : Schwarze : Massachusetts : Männliche Jugend : Soziale Situation