RT Book T1 The birth of the penitentiary in Latin America: essays on criminology, prison reform, and social control, 1830-1940 T2 New interpretations of Latin America series A2 Salvatore, Ricardo Donato 1954- A2 Aguirre, Carlos 1958- A2 Salvatore, Ricardo Donato 1954- LA English PP Austin PB Univ. of Texas Press, Inst. of Latin American Studies YR 1996 ED 1. ed. UL https://krimdok.uni-tuebingen.de/Record/194153711 NO Includes bibliographical references (p. [255]-266) and index CN HV9510.5 SN 029277706X SN 0292777078 K1 Prisons : Latin America : History K1 Lateinamerika : Strafrechtsreform K1 Lateinamerika : Kriminalpolitik K1 Lateinamerika : Kriminologie