RT Article T1 Terrorism-related assessments JF Seminars in forensic psychiatry SP 333 OP 342 A1 Gill, Paul A2 Farnham, Frank LA English YR 2024 UL https://krimdok.uni-tuebingen.de/Record/1918780846 AB This chapter is about forensic psychiatric assessment of terrorism cases. As will become clear, this may not be a straightforward exercise in that it can be difficult to decide whether the case actually involves terrorism, let alone what contribution mental disorder may or may not make. Nonetheless, psychiatric assessment is often requested and assessment of the terrorism offender relies on the same basic principles of good-quality assessment, utilising a multi-agency approach, that is applicable when assessing any complex criminal, or potentially criminal, behaviour involving mental disorder. NO Literaturverzeichnis: Seite 339-342 SN 9781911623816 K1 Forensic psyhiatry K1 Terrorism