RT Article T1 Differences in United States and German police organizations with an impact on the policing of public assemblies JF Public order policing SP 149 OP 167 A1 Bürger, Bernd A2 Thielmann, Gerd 1955- A2 Hanson, Alan A2 Dobson, Craig LA English YR 2024 UL https://krimdok.uni-tuebingen.de/Record/1913391116 AB In this chapter, we explain some differences between Germany and the United States that are relevant to policing assemblies. Some police institutions and regulations can only be understood if one knows a broader context, e.g., the form of government, society, or history, and can thus classify how this may impact police structures or activities. As an appendix, we also offer a glossary that explains some specific police terms to foster the understanding of some technical terms used within the chapters of this book. NO Literaturverzeichnis: Seite 165-166 SN 9783031438554 K1 Polizei K1 Polizeieinsatz K1 Versammlung K1 Usa K1 Deutschland