RT Article T1 Homicidal Ideation in a Sample of Capital Murderers: Prevalence, Morbidity, and Associations With Homicide Offending JF Homicide studies VO 28 IS 4 SP 468 OP 486 A1 Burgason, Kyle A2 Caudill, Jon A2 DeLisi, Matt A2 Trulson, Chad R. LA English YR 2024 UL https://krimdok.uni-tuebingen.de/Record/1906275904 AB Homicidal ideation is an important, but understudied construct in criminological research. Unfortunately, previous investigations into homicidal ideation are limited by reliance on small convenience samples, larger correctional samples with limited access to the most serious and violent criminal offenders, and single-item measures of the central construct. The current study improves and extends existing research by examining the link between three unique measures of homicidal ideation spanning its frequency, chronicity, and severity on murder and attempted murder among an enriched sample of death-sentenced prisoners in California. Many individuals in these data have extensive criminal careers and multiple homicide offenses. Homicidal ideation frequency and severity were significantly associated with both murder and attempted murder convictions, homicidal chronicity had null effects. Implications for research and practice are discussed. K1 condemned offender K1 Psychopathology K1 Murder K1 Homicide K1 homicidal ideation DO 10.1177/10887679221126502