RT Article T1 #MeToo and Sexual Violence Reporting in the National Crime Victimization Survey JF Journal of interpersonal violence VO 39 IS 21/22 SP 4215 OP 4259 A1 Worthen, Meredith Gwynne Fair A2 Schleifer, Cyrus LA English YR 2024 UL https://krimdok.uni-tuebingen.de/Record/190537805X AB The Me Too Movement has reshaped cultural awareness about sexual violence but little is known about how this shift may have coincided with changes in the reporting of sexual violence. The current study is the first to use the National Crime Victimization Survey to compare pre-#MeToo and post-#MeToo reports of sexual violence across three different blocks of time (Time 1: 2014–2015; Time 2: October 2017–September 2019; Time 3: October 2019–September 2021). Comparisons include prevalence rates of overall sexual violence, self-reports of sexual violence, official police reports of sexual violence, and situational characteristics of sexual violence (offender was a stranger, victim injury, victim services used). We also examine gender (women/men) and racial (White women/non-White women) differences in sexual violence reporting. Using formal comparisons, we find a significant increase in the rates of overall sexual violence as well as self-reports and stranger-offender reports of sexual violence between the pre- (Time 1) and the first post-#MeToo time point (Time 2). However, these increases are no longer evident in Time 3. In addition, the changes between the pre- (Time 1) and the first post-#MeToo time point (Time 2) are driven primarily by White women’s reporting of sexual violence, and we find no significant changes in the rates of sexual violence experienced by men nor non-White women during these time periods. K1 media and violence K1 Sexual Assault K1 Prevention DO 10.1177/08862605241234355