RT Book T1 Off the beat: my life as a brown, Muslim woman in the Met A1 Mehtab, Nusrit A2 Wharton, Anna LA English PP London PB Torva YR 2024 UL https://krimdok.uni-tuebingen.de/Record/1904171737 AB When Nusrit Mehtab joined the Met Police in the late 80s the organisation was rife with racism and misogyny. Officers refused to patrol with her, or even call her by her name. Her attempts to get promoted were met with hostility and ridicule and she was subject to cruel pranks. As the years passed and her seniority grew, Nusrit was dismayed to find that these problems got worse, not better. After 30 years, she finally had enough and left the Met, initiating an employment tribunal against them in the process. Now lecturing new recruits in policing law and criminology, she's confident that we can mould the next generation of officers to create a more inclusive police force, safer for both the officers and the public CN 363.2092 SN 9781911709459 K1 Mehtab, Nusrit K1 Great Britain : Metropolitan Police Office : Officials and employees : Biography K1 Policewomen : Great Britain : Biography K1 Muslim Women : Great Britain : Biography K1 Racism in law enforcement : Great Britain K1 Sex discrimination in employment : Great Britain K1 Policières - Grande-Bretagne - Biographies K1 Musulmanes - Grande-Bretagne - Biographies K1 Racisme dans l'application des lois - Grande-Bretagne K1 Discrimination sexuelle dans l'emploi - Grande-Bretagne K1 Biography K1 London : Metropolitan Police Service : Polizeibeamtin : Muslimin : Rassismus : Frauenfeindlichkeit