Summary: | Standard labor force activity data for the week prior to the survey are provided in this data collection. Comprehensive data are supplied on the employment status, occupation, and industry of persons 15 years old and over. Also presented are personal characteristics such as age, sex, race, marital status, veteran status, household relationship, educational background, and Spanish origin. Supplemental data pertaining to work schedules include items on the usual number of hours worked daily and weekly, usual number of days and specific days worked weekly, starting and ending times of an individual's work day, and whether these starting and ending times could be varied. For deviations from regular work schedules, the main reason a particular schedule or shift was worked is elicited. Questions dealing with overtime include number of extra hours worked and rate of pay. For dual jobholders, data are provided on starting and ending times of the work day, number of weekly hours worked, earnings, occupation, industry, and main reason for working more than one job. Questions are included about primary job-related activities completed at home and about temporary work. Data on volunteer work are also provided.