RT Research Data T1 National Black Election Study, 1996 A1 Tate, Katherine LA English PP Erscheinungsort nicht ermittelbar PB [Verlag nicht ermittelbar] YR 1998 UL https://krimdok.uni-tuebingen.de/Record/1902790219 AB This data collection provides information on the attitudes and political preferences of the Black electorate during the 1996 presidential election, and contains both pre- and post-election components. A total of 1,216 respondents completed interviews during the pre-election component, 854 of whom were reinterviewed for the post-election component. Questions regarding party identification, political interest, and preferences and choices for president were asked. In addition, respondents were matched to their congressional districts and asked to evaluate their House representatives. Also included were questions regarding social and political values, perceptions and evaluations of candidates and groups, opinions on questions of public policy, participation in political life, race and gender issues, economic matters, quality of life, government spending, and religion and church politics. Demographic information on respondents includes sex, age, education, marital status, income, and occupation and industry. K1 African Americans K1 congressional candidates K1 Economic conditions K1 gender issues K1 government spending K1 minority voters K1 political affiliation K1 Political attitudes K1 political interest K1 political issues K1 Political Participation K1 presidential campaigns K1 presidential candidates K1 presidential elections K1 public approval K1 Public Opinion K1 Public Policy K1 Quality of life K1 racial attitudes K1 Religious Beliefs K1 Social Values K1 special interest groups K1 voter attitudes K1 voter preferences K1 voting behavior K1 Forschungsdaten DO 10.3886/ICPSR02029.v1