RT Book T1 Trauma-informed criminal justice: towards a more compassionate criminal justice system A1 McLachlan, Katherine J. LA English PP Cham, Switzerland PB Palgrave Macmillan YR 2024 UL https://krimdok.uni-tuebingen.de/Record/1902343174 AB "This book is the first to examine trauma-informed criminal justice, which provides a new understanding of why people commit crimes and how society can respond with compassion and humanity. There are three parts. The first examines how adversity, trauma, and crime are related. The second focuses on trauma-informed criminal justice responses to those who have offended, to victims of crime, and to professionals at risk of vicarious trauma. The final part considers sentencing and the importance of judicial empathy."--Back cover NO Includes bibliographical references and index CN HV6030 SN 9783031592898 K1 Criminology K1 Psychic trauma K1 Criminal justice, Administration of K1 Sentences (Criminal procedure) K1 Criminologie K1 Traumatisme psychique K1 Sentences (Procédure pénale)