RT Book RT Statistics T1 Crime Survey for England and Wales, 2022-2023 T2 Crime Survey for England and Wales LA English PP Colchester PB UK Data Service YR 2024 UL https://krimdok.uni-tuebingen.de/Record/1899099913 AB The Crime Survey for England and Wales (CSEW) asks a sole adult in a random sample of households about their, or their household's, experience of crime victimisation in the previous 12 months. These are recorded in the victim form data file (VF). A wide range of questions are then asked, covering demographics and crime-related subjects such as attitudes to the police and the criminal justice system (CJS). These variables are contained within the non-victim form (NVF) data file. In 2009, the survey was extended to children aged 10-15 years old; one resident of that age range was also selected from the household and asked about their experience of crime and other related topics. The first set of children's data covered January-December 2009 and is held separately under SN 6601. From 2009-2010, the children's data cover the same period as the adult data and are included with the main study. The Telephone-operated Crime Survey for England and Wales (TCSEW) became operational on 20 May 2020. It was a replacement for the face-to-face CSEW, which was suspended on 17 March 2020 because of the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. It was set up with the intention of measuring the level of crime during the pandemic. As the pandemic continued throughout the 2020/21 survey year, questions have been raised as to whether the year ending March 2021 TCSEW is comparable with estimates produced in earlier years by the face-to-face CSEW. The ONS Comparability between the Telephone-operated Crime Survey for England and Wales and the face-to-face Crime Survey for England and Wales report explores those factors that may have a bearing on the comparability of estimates between the TCSEW and the former CSEW. These include survey design, sample design, questionnaire changes and modal changes. K1 administration of justice K1 advice K1 Age K1 aggressiveness K1 alcohol-related crime K1 antisocial behaviour K1 Assault K1 Attitudes K1 audio equipment K1 bicycles K1 Binge drinking K1 Bullying K1 Burglary K1 Cannabis K1 car parking area K1 Chronic Illness K1 clubs K1 Communities K1 community action K1 community behaviour K1 computer security K1 Computers K1 Costs K1 Counselling K1 credit card use K1 crime and security K1 Crime Prevention K1 crime victims K1 criminal damage K1 Criminal Investigation K1 CRIMINAL justice system K1 Criminals K1 cultural goods K1 Cultural Identity K1 damage K1 debilitative illness K1 Digital Games K1 Discipline K1 domestic responsibilities K1 drinking behaviour K1 drug-related crime K1 economic activity K1 economic value K1 educational attendance K1 educational environment K1 educational personnel K1 electronic mail K1 emergency and protective services K1 emotional disturbances K1 Employees K1 Employment K1 Ethnic conflict K1 ethnic groups K1 Everyday Life K1 exposure to noise K1 Families K1 family members K1 Fear K1 Fear of crime K1 financial compensation K1 Financial Crime K1 financial resources K1 Fraud K1 Friends K1 Gender K1 Guns K1 Harassment K1 heads of household K1 Health K1 home ownership K1 Hospitalization K1 hours of work K1 household head's economic activity K1 household head's occupation K1 Households K1 housing tenure K1 Industries K1 Injuries K1 internet access K1 internet use K1 Interpersonal communication K1 Interpersonal Conflict K1 landlords K1 Law Enforcement K1 legal procedure K1 leisure time activities K1 local government services K1 locks K1 Marital Status K1 Medical care K1 mobile phones K1 Neighbourhoods K1 neighbours K1 offences K1 online services K1 online shopping K1 Parents K1 personal contact K1 personal fashion goods K1 personal identification documents K1 personal safety K1 Police officers K1 police services K1 Policing K1 Prejudice K1 public houses K1 Public transport K1 qualifications K1 Quality of life K1 Recidivism K1 Refuse K1 Religious Affiliation K1 rented accommodation K1 residential mobility K1 Responsibility K1 Risk K1 Road safety K1 Robbery K1 security systems K1 self-employed K1 Siblings K1 smartphones K1 social activities (leisure) K1 social housing K1 Social Participation K1 Social Support K1 student behaviour K1 terrorist acts K1 Theft K1 training courses K1 Underage drinking K1 Unemployment K1 unwaged workers K1 vagrants K1 visit (personal) K1 voluntary welfare organizations K1 Weapons K1 Workplace K1 Statistik : 2022-2023 : England K1 Statistik : 2022-2023 : Wales DO 10.5255/UKDA-SN-9267-1