RT Book T1 Sexual offending by strangers A1 Greenall, Paul V. LA English PP London New York PB Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group YR 2025 UL https://krimdok.uni-tuebingen.de/Record/1897820461 AB Exploring a specific type of sexual violence committed by a specific type of sexual offender, namely adult male on adult female stranger sexual violence, this book provides readers with an enhanced understanding of both the offences being committed and the offenders who commit them CN 364.153 SN 9781032109305 SN 9781032109312 K1 Crime & criminology K1 Criminal or forensic psychology K1 Criminology: legal aspects K1 Gewalt und Missbrauch in der Gesellschaft K1 Gewaltverbrechen K1 Kriminalpsychologie, forensische Psychologie K1 Kriminologie: Rechtliche Aspekte K1 LAW / General K1 PSYCHOLOGY / Human Sexuality K1 PSYCHOLOGY / Psychopathology / General K1 PSYCHOLOGY / Social Psychology K1 Social Science / Criminology K1 Social Science / Violence In Society K1 SEXUAL BEHAVIOUR K1 Sexualität K1 Social, group or collective psychology K1 Sozialpsychologie K1 Violence in society