RT Article T1 A fuzzy index and severity scale to measure violence against women JF Social indicators research VO 148 SP 225 OP 249 A1 Bettio, Francesca A2 Ticci, Elisa A2 Betti, Gianni LA English YR 2020 UL https://krimdok.uni-tuebingen.de/Record/1897355785 AB Measuring and comparing levels of violence against women across individuals or countries are controversial exercises, and yet they remain essential to understanding the phenomenon. We develop a scale of severity of violence against women based on fuzzy set theory. The scale can be used to derive fuzzy indexes of violence which account for the prevalence, frequency and severity of violence. Unlike existing alternatives, however, the scale that we propose is based on objective information rather than subjective assessment; it is parsimonious in terms of the amount of information that it requires; and it is less vulnerable to risks of cultural bias. We exploit our scale to unravel a puzzle which arises from the largest survey of violence against women in Europe to date, namely that some of the more gender equal countries record higher prevalence rates for violence from intimate partners. We show that the puzzle is resolved once violence is weighted by severity using our scale instead of being measured by simple prevalence. NO Literaturverzeichnis: Seite 248-249 NO Gesehen am: 01.08.2024 K1 violence against women K1 Fuzzy set theory K1 Severity of violence scales K1 Gender K1 Europe DO 10.1007/s11205-019-02197-7