RT Book T1 The Palgrave handbook of gendered Islamophobia A2 Easat-Daas, Amina A2 Zempi, Irene 1984- LA English PP Cham, Switzerland PB Palgrave Macmillan YR 2024 UL https://krimdok.uni-tuebingen.de/Record/1896185339 AB "Against a backdrop of continually growing global Islamophobia, this handbook provides a comprehensive, interdisciplinary overview of the key issues, theories, debates, and developments in gendered Islamophobia, unpacking how Western, Orientalist constructions of Muslim men and women affect the lived experiences of Muslim men and women; impact social, legal, and criminological policies, practices, and discourse; and give rise to resistance against gendered Islamophobia. Drawing on theories from philosophy, sociology, gender studies, psychology and criminology, sections examine the interdisciplinary theoretical dimensions of gendered Islamophobia; illustrate the dynamics of gendered Islamophobia through the use of case examples in the UK, Europe, North America, Australasia, the Middle East, and South Asia. This handbook will be valuable reading for scholars, researchers, and policymakers around the globe in Gender Studies, Sociology, Criminology, Politics, and Law, who focus on the intersections of gender and Islamopobia, and the impact on Muslim men and women respectively." -- NO Includes bibliographical references and index CN BP52 SN 3031520211 SN 9783031520211 K1 Islamophobia : Handbooks, manuals, etc K1 Muslim Women : Social conditions : Handbooks, manuals, etc K1 Islamophobie - Guides, manuels, etc K1 Musulmanes - Conditions sociales - Guides, manuels, etc K1 Islamfeindlichkeit : Geschlechterstereotyp : Auswirkung : Widerstand : Muslim : Muslimin