RT Book T1 Evil corporations: law, culpability, and regulation A2 Crofts, Penny LA English PP Abingdon, Oxon UK New York, NY PB Routledge YR 2024 UL https://krimdok.uni-tuebingen.de/Record/1895539609 AB Can capitalism ever be other than evil? / James Martel -- Can a corporation be evil? / Luke Russell -- Corporate vice / Stephanie Collins -- Ecocide, evil, and the corporation / Joanna Kyriakakis -- Prescription medicine, adverse effects, and economies of death / Marc Trabsky and Jacinthe Flore -- The corporate evil of unsafe products : strict liability, negligence, and the expressive force of law / Hui Chia and Jeannie Paterson -- Data brokers : trading on trust / Olivia Dixon -- Evil corporations in horror fiction / Penny Crofts -- Corporate office, corporate irresponsibility, and the constitutive vicariousness of corporate power / Timothy D Peters -- Blindness without a will : the dilemma of corporate collective knowledge and intention in succession / Lisa Siraganian -- Corporate misuse of legal professional privilege : concealing and constituting crimes / Liz Campbell -- The monster within : representing corporate evil / Mihailis E. Diamantis -- Corporations as haunted entities : conceptualising responsibility for historical harm / Penny Crofts and Honni van Rijswijk -- Corporate evil : a story of systems and silences / Elise Bant -- Redeeming corporations : designing legal interventions for complex adaptive systems / Rebecca Wallis and Simon Bronitt -- 'Corporate culture' is the problem, but can it be regulated? / Vicky Comino. CN 345/.0268 SN 9781003402534 SN 1003402534 SN 9781040048160 SN 1040048161 SN 9781040048245 SN 1040048242 K1 Corporation law : Criminal provisions K1 Corporations : Corrupt practices K1 Corporate power K1 Guilt (Law) K1 LAW / Corporate K1 PHILOSOPHY / Good & Evil K1 eBook-T&F-EBA-Humanities-and-Social-Sciences DO 10.4324/9781003402534