RT Article T1 Police visibility, trust in police fairness, and collective efficacy: A multilevel Structural Equation Model JF European journal of criminology VO 20 IS 2 SP 712 OP 737 A1 Yesberg, Julia A. A2 Brunton-Smith, Ian A2 Bradford, Ben LA English YR 2023 UL https://krimdok.uni-tuebingen.de/Record/1894786149 AB Areas high in collective efficacy ? where residents know and trust one another and are willing to intervene to solve neighbourhood problems ? tend to experience less crime. Policing is thought to be one antecedent to collective efficacy, but little empirical research has explored this question. Using three waves of survey data collected from London residents over three consecutive years, and multilevel Structural Equation Modelling, this study tested the impact of police visibility and police?community engagement on collective efficacy. We explored direct effects as well as indirect effects through trust in police. The findings showed levels of police visibility predicted trust in police. Trust in police fairness, in turn, predicted collective efficacy. There was a small indirect relationship between police visibility and collective efficacy, through trust in police fairness. In other words, police presence in neighbourhoods was associated with more positive views about officer behaviour, which in turn was associated with collective efficacy. The findings have important implications for policies designed to build stronger, more resilient communities. K1 Collective Efficacy K1 Community Policing K1 police presence K1 Procedural Justice DO 10.1177/14773708211035306