RT Article T1 The Influence of Formal and Informal Sanctions on Offending: The Moderating Role of Legal Cynicism JF Crime & delinquency VO 70 IS 9 SP 2488 OP 2513 A1 Heitkamp, Amanda A2 Mowen, Thomas J. LA English YR 2024 UL https://krimdok.uni-tuebingen.de/Record/1892743558 AB Work on deterrence demonstrates that high perceptions of formal sanctions (e.g., arrest) and informal sanctions (e.g., negative reactions from others) both relate to decreased offending behaviors. However, there are numerous contextual factors that influence the strength of formal and informal sanctions on crime. The current study uses the Pathways to Desistance data to explore how formal and informal sanctions relate to offending, and how legal cynicism moderates this process. Findings from a series of longitudinal models show that higher perceptions of both formal and informal sanctions are related to decreased offending, while higher legal cynicism is linked to increased offending. Legal cynicism moderates the relationship between formal—but not informal—sanctions and offending. Policy implications are explored. K1 Arrest K1 Juvenile Delinquency K1 Deterrence K1 Offending DO 10.1177/00111287231165214