RT Article T1 East is East?: Beyond the Global North and Global South in Criminology JF The British journal of criminology VO 64 IS 3 SP 521 OP 537 A1 Piacentini, Laura A2 Slade, Gavin 1980- LA English YR 2024 UL https://krimdok.uni-tuebingen.de/Record/1892105578 AB This paper identifies an absence in currently constituted criminological discourse on the Global North and Global South. This absence is the Global East. The Global East is not a defined region but a relation of betweenness, geographically and geo-politically, within and between the South and North, representing peoples from countries and societies which fit imperfectly into a North/South binary. We focus on the Eastern European and Eurasian regions to demonstrate this point, concentrating specifically on its omission in punishment and society studies. Our paper makes a positive argument for the Global East concept, disrupting the assumed categories of North and South and producing a strategic essentialism to help better represent peoples thus far overlooked in southern criminology. DO 10.1093/bjc/azad048