RT Article T1 Intimate Partner Homicide Prevention Among Latinas: A Qualitative Study of Risk and Protective Factors JF Homicide studies VO 28 IS 3 SP 341 OP 359 A1 Macias, R. Lillianne A2 Garza, Alondra D. A2 Grajo, Krista A2 Nava, Guadalupe Nancy A2 Guzman-Jimenez, Thaily A2 Guadalupe-Díaz, Xavier L. LA English YR 2024 UL https://krimdok.uni-tuebingen.de/Record/1890855006 AB The current study explored perceptions of homicide risk and protective factors among Latina survivors of gender-based violence and culturally specific practitioners, including indigenous and transgender survivors. Themes resulting from a grounded theory analysis include histories of violence and homicide threats, power and social connections, difficulty disclosing threats to safety, fear and conviction, and separating/leaving partners. Listening sessions with transgender and indigenous Latina survivors uniquely emphasized experiences of structural discrimination. Narratives also shed light on community strengths that can inform intimate partner homicide prevention, including the role of kinship in culturally specific programing. K1 Protective factors K1 Risk Factors K1 Prevention K1 Latinas K1 Intimate partner homicide DO 10.1177/10887679241227892