RT Article T1 Examining implementation of risk assessment in case management for youth in the justice system JF Criminal justice and behavior VO 42 IS 3 SP 304 OP 320 A1 Peterson-Badali, Michele A2 Skilling, Tracey A2 Haqanee, Zohrah LA English YR 2015 UL https://krimdok.uni-tuebingen.de/Record/1885233272 AB Research on implementation of a case management plan informed by valid risk assessment in justice services is important in contributing to evidence-based practice but has been neglected in youth justice. We examined the connections between risk assessment, treatment, and recidivism by focusing on the individual criminogenic needs domain level. Controlling for static risk, dynamic criminogenic needs significantly predicted reoffense. Meeting individual needs in treatment was associated with decreased offending. However, there is ?slippage? in the system that reduces practitioners? ability to effectively address needs. Even in domains where interventions are available, many youth are not receiving services matched to their needs. Implications and limitations of findings are discussed. K1 Assessment K1 Implementation K1 Rehabilitation K1 Risk–need–responsivity K1 Youth DO 10.1177/0093854814549595