RT Article T1 Individual and environmental sources of work stress among prison officers JF Criminal justice and behavior VO 42 IS 8 SP 800 OP 818 A1 Steiner, Benjamin 1975-2019 A2 Wooldredge, John LA English YR 2015 UL https://krimdok.uni-tuebingen.de/Record/188510149X AB Work stress has been linked to a number of negative outcomes for employees and organizations. Drawing from the Job Demand?Control (?Support) model, we examined the influences of work stress among more than 1,800 prison officers working in 45 prisons across Ohio and Kentucky. Multilevel analyses revealed that individual factors such as experiencing victimization and greater job demands were related to more stress among prison officers, whereas perceived control over inmates and support from coworkers and supervisors were associated with less stress. Facility violence was also linked to higher levels of officer stress across prisons. K1 job control K1 job demand K1 job support K1 prison officer K1 Work Stress K1 workplace safety DO 10.1177/0093854814564463