RT Article T1 Comparing Rates of Sexual Assault Between Panel Quota and Social Media Samples: Findings Across Sexual Orientation Categories JF Journal of interpersonal violence VO 37 IS 21/22 A1 Canan, Sasha N. A2 Kaplan, Alejandra M. A2 Jozkowski, Kristen N. LA English YR 2022 UL https://krimdok.uni-tuebingen.de/Record/1884077102 AB Sexual assault is prevalent and may be even more prevalent among sexual minorities. However, prevalence rates vary, in part, due to discrepancies in sampling methods. Given this, we assessed whether two popular non-probability sampling types (panel quota vs. social media recruitment) produced different sexual assault prevalence rates when holding all other methodological choices (definitions, measures, scoring) constant in a sample of lesbian, bisexual, queer, and heterosexual adults, excluding cisgender men. Two phases of data collection occurred?a panel quota sample (n = 1366), recruited from an online sample aggregator, and social media sample (n = 1102), recruited through lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer (LGBTQ) social media sites. Participants were asked about sexual assault and rape experiences in both childhood and adulthood using a modified form of the Sexual Experiences Scale-Short Form Victimization. Both phases used the same definitions of sexual assault, prevalence measures, and prevalence scoring. Overall, the sample recruited via LGBTQ social media yielded statistically higher sexual assault prevalence rates for all four types of victimization experiences measured: lifetime sexual assault (LSA), rape-specific LSA, childhood sexual assault (CSA), and adulthood sexual assault. However, when parsing out subgroups, this finding only held for heterosexual participants who had rates > 30% higher in the social media sample compared with the panel quota sample. These findings suggest that researchers studying sexual assault in lesbian, bisexual, or queer adults may be able to use social media sampling techniques, which require less resources, without concern that the sampling technique is inflating prevalence when compared to panels. K1 Bisexual K1 Lesbian K1 Measurement K1 Prevalence K1 sampling K1 Sexual Assault K1 Sexual Violence DO 10.1177/08862605211056027