RT Article T1 Interparental Violence and Early Adolescents’ Adjustment Problems in China: Testing a Moderated Mediation Model of Parental Warmth and Emotional Insecurity JF Journal of interpersonal violence VO 37 IS 7/8 A1 Xiang, Xiaoping A2 Wang, Juan A2 Wu, Chaoyue A2 Chen, Yiting LA English YR 2022 UL https://krimdok.uni-tuebingen.de/Record/188372046X AB This study analyzed the relationships between exposure to interparental violence and adolescents? adjustment problems. It also explored the mediating role of emotional insecurity and the moderating role of parental warmth in these relationships. Five hundred and seventy-eight early adolescents from three migrant primary schools and one public school in Beijing participated in this survey, reporting on their perceived interparental violence, emotional insecurity, post-traumatic stress symptoms (PTSS), and internalizing and externalizing behavioral problems. The results revealed that emotional insecurity partially mediated the association between interparental violence and all three indicators of adjustment problems, with stronger mediating effects on PTSS and internalizing problems than on externalizing problems; parental warmth buffered the association between emotional insecurity and internalizing/externalizing problems. This study adds insights to present literature on how interparental violence contributes to different aspects of adolescents? adjustment problems in the Chinese context. K1 China K1 Adjustment K1 emotional insecurity K1 interparental violence K1 parental warmth DO 10.1177/0886260520959636