RT Article T1 Ghost Criminology: a Framework for the Discipline’s Spectral Turn JF The British journal of criminology VO 64 IS 1 SP 1 OP 16 A1 Fiddler, Michael A2 Linnemann, Travis 1974- A2 Kindynis, Theo LA English YR 2024 UL https://krimdok.uni-tuebingen.de/Record/188217481X AB Drawing upon recent criminological scholarship examining spectrality, as well as Jacques Derrida’s notion of hauntology, this article sets out a framework to explore harms experienced as ‘out of joint’. We propose a new sub-discipline of ‘ghost criminology’ as a means to explore and reckon with these afterlives. We identify three strands of the (in)visible, the (in)corporeal and dead space with which to capture phenomena hovering between presence and absence. In doing so, we provide examples of justice being achieved within this sense of time being ‘off its hinges’. A ‘ghost criminology’ provides a means of listening to the voices of the discipline’s dead, as well as the ghosts of its future. NO Literaturverzeichnis: Seite 14-16 K1 hauntology K1 spectral turn K1 Trauma K1 Temporality DO 10.1093/bjc/azad022